Sanford Professor Nick Carnes and Noam Lupu of Vanderbilt University’s survey data on white working class voters and the 2016 election was referenced in Deseret News: “The share of Republicans who…
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Professor Bruce Jentleson argues there is no longer an American consensus on Russia’s war on Ukraine in Foreign Policy. Initially support for Ukraine was largely bipartisan, however…
Comments closedIn Chapelboro 97.9 The Hill, Professor Nick Carnes and Lilly Goren discuss their new book, “The Politics of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.” Carnes was inspired from twitter threads of “brilliant group of…
Comments closedCBS17 recently confirmed two claims Gov. Cooper made in reference to gun violence in North Carolina. He said the North Carolina children “were 51 percent more likely…
Comments closedSanford Professor Kristin Goss was quoted in Indy Week on how the fear of violence has reshaped the face of gun ownership. In New York State…
Comments closedSanford Professor Frank Bruni gives his opinion on the 2024 North Carolina governor’s race for the New York Times, in his piece, “Anti-Gay? Anti-Science? Antisemitic? Run for…
Comments closedProfessor Ken Rogerson was quoted on data privacy and the ban of TikTok on government issued devices. In December 2022, Congress banned TikTok on federal…
Comments closed“On Thursday, January 19, 2023, Polis: Center for Politics was delighted to host a reception for Congressman David Price, celebrating his return to Duke as a Polis Distinguished Fellow. Additionally, the former Congressman joins Duke University as an Emeritus Professor of Political Science and Public…”
Comments closed“On November 3rd, Polis Student Committee members joined a panel of four students and two professors to discuss the upcoming North Carolina midterm elections, their motivations for engaging with initiatives to get out the vote, and the importance of the youth voice in politics Speaking at the panel were Chloe Decker (’25) of NC Young People’s Alliance; James Gao (’24)…”
Comments closed“When people think of environmental justice, they think of protesting power plants or hog facilities or litigation. But there is an additional relationship between electoral decisions – in addressing climate change, investing in energy, instituting restorative and distributive justice – and the facilities that ultimately and disproportionately set up near low-income communities…”
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