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Professor Jentleson on Economic Sanctions Against Russia, Wall Street Journal

Bruce Jentleson

This month, Professor Bruce Jentleson wrote an article for The Wall Street Journal. He discussed the impacts of the United States administered economic sanctions towards Russia.

As Russia threatens to invade Ukraine, the Biden Administration is using sanctions to punish Russian President Vladimir Putin. This includes blocking Russia from global financial markets and stopping oil and gas exports. Professor Jentleson suggests that imposing these sanctions may be very difficult and not necessarily lead to policy compliance.

“My research suggests that a number of factors affect whether economic costs significantly change behavior. For one, the scope of objectives matters. In this regard, accentuating the sanctions threat early in the crisis reflects the broader stratagem that deterrence — dissuading an adversary from taking contemplated actions — tends to be more achievable than compellence, reversing an action already undertaken”.

– Professor Bruce Jentleson

To read the full article, click here

Bruce W. Jentleson is a political scientist and the William Preston Few Professor at the Sanford School of Public Policy.