December 23rd is the release date for Sanford Professor Nick Carnes and co-author Carrol University Professor Lilly J. Goren’s book, The Politics of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. They argue that the MCU is “a deeply political universe,” touching on all realms of government, public policy, and society. 25 leading scholars help explore various modern day political issues including civil-military relations, racial injustice, environmental catastrophe, political misinformation, and themes of diversity and representation.
This is the first book to take a deep dive into the political messages within the MCU and ask the question, “What lessons are this entertainment juggernaut teaching audiences about politics, society, power, gender, and inequality?”
Professor Carnes is a political scientist at Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke University. Beyond the MCU, his research focuses on the working-class, American democracy, politics of climate change, and the U.S. foster care system.
Click here to learn more about Professor Carnes