The Polis Student Committee Executive Board
The PSC Undergraduate and Graduate Executive Board works to maximize the Committee's impact and to help foster a vibrant community for politics at Duke. They are vital in the execution of Polis's major events and in organizing and carrying out PSC events and activities. They are selected by the members of the PSC themselves. Both the Undergraduate and Graduate PSC Executive Board will receive funding for these activities and are expected to organize and execute them on their own (but with oversight) of Polis staff.
Apply Now for the PSC Executive Board!
Apply by Monday, September 2nd
- Thursday, 7/25: Applications open
- Monday, 9/2 at 11:59PM ET: Deadline to apply
- Friday, 9/6 at 9AM ET: Virtual polls open
Ballot link will be sent in an internal email to the PSC listserv - Sunday, 9/8 at 11:59PM ET: Virtual polls close
- TBD: Winners announced during the PSC kickoff!
Eligibility and Responsibilities:
- Any current PSC Member (except if serving as a Polis Student Assistant) is eligible to apply for an executive board position (former Exec Board officers may also run for reelection).
- Candidates must be willing and available to serve a full academic-year term (term begins immediately upon election and ends April 23, 2025). Exceptions allowed for students intending to study abroad in the Spring Semester or who are graduating early.
- Executive board officers are expected to meet with fellow members of the Graduate and/or Undergraduate Executive Board and/or the Polis team weekly.
- Executive board officers volunteer at major Polis events.
- Executive board officers table at the BC Plaza 1-2 times per semester to recruit new members.
- Undergraduate executive board officers plan and execute 1-3 casual PSC lunch or dinner conversations per semester on their own.
- Graduate executive board officers plan and execute 1-3 casual PSC lunch or dinner conversations per semester on their own.
- Graduate and Undergraduate executive board officers collaborate for activities including political watch parties and kickoff events.
- The Graduate and Undergraduate executive board will each receive funding to execute these activities. Officers are expected to follow Duke financial policies and procedures.
- Executive board members agree to write at least one op-ed touching on civil discourse, political polarization, democracy, and / or Election coverage.
Officer Descriptions:
Past Officers
Graduate Co-Presidents
Noah Vaughn AY23-24 Graduate Co-President
Noah is a dual-degree Master of Public Policy and Master of Divinity student from Red Oak, Texas. He bridges policy and religion in hopes of healing many realms of American life; such as attitudes toward domestic politics, drug policy and prison reform, and foreign affairs centered on ethical national security.
Jaquell Sneed-Adams AY22-23 Graduate Co-President
Jaquell Sneed-Adams (MPP ’23) is interested in social policy, especially as it relates to education and state and local government. Since graduating from Harvard in 2014, she has taught middle school math in her home region of Eastern North Carolina, served as the Boston Program Director for a nonprofit focused on youth-led individual, community, and systems-level transformation, and, directly prior to starting her MPP program at Sanford, she was the campaign manager for a Boston City Councilor At-Large running for re-election (they won!). In the rare moments that she’s not working or studying, you can find her enjoying a book, working on a puzzle, or planning her next trip!
Undergraduate Co-Presidents
Annaleise Linkenhoker AY22-23 & AY23-24 Undergraduate Co-President
Annaleise is from Bradenton, FL and is majoring in Public Policy and minoring in Psychology. Her academic interests include political strategy, representation in government, political theory, Florida politics, and the US electoral system.
Vice President of Events
Ranjan Jindal AY23-24 Vice President of Events
Ranjan is from Greenville, S.C., and is pursuing a double major in economics and public policy with a minor in journalism and media. He was also unanimously elected Chronicle sports editor of Vol. 120.
Lauren Steele AY22-23 Vice President of Events
Lauren Steele is from Marin County, California studying Economics, Political Science, and Spanish. A fun fact about her is that she used to be a competitive freestyle skier! She hopes to create an active and inclusive political atmosphere at Duke, and most importantly, to get Duke students excited about politics! She spent last summer in D.C. as an intern in the House of Representatives; her goal as the PSC Vice President of Events is to use that experience to plan meaningful and engaging political events on campus.
Julia Young AY22-23 & AY23-24 Secretary
Julia is from Durham, North Carolina and is pursuing a major in Political Science with a minor in Computer Science at Duke University. She is interested in ethics, political science, economics, and philosophy and plans on pursuing a career in politics, risk management, or other strategy related positions.