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Category: Asher Hildebrand

‘People Are Exhausted by Politics’: Faculty Assess the 2024 Election at Briefing for International Journalists

“It’s just early March, and voters may already be sick of the election. The inevitable November showdown between President Joe Biden and his presumptive opponent, former President Donald Trump, is so constant, ill-mannered and ubiquitous in news and social media it may tire out voters far before they cast a single vote, several Duke political experts said Monday…”

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Professor Asher Hildebrand on NC’s Governor’s Race and What it Means for Biden, Vanity Fair

Professor Asher Hildebrand argues in Vanity Fair that, “If Democrats don’t hold onto the governorship and cut into the GOP’s supermajority in the legislature, it’s going to…

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Professor Asher Hildebrand on NC Budget Negotiations & Business Boom, PBS North Carolina State Lines

Professor Asher Hildebrand joined Representative Allen Buansi (D-District 56), Anna Beavon Gravely of NCFREE, and Senator Benton Sawrey (R-District 10) on PBS North Carolina State…

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Professor Asher Hildebrand on NC Citizen and Democracy Initiatives and Partisan Gerrymandering, Chapelboro

Professor Asher Hildebrand tells This Morning with Aaron Keck that North Carolina needs to “ensure the engine of our democracy is working,” before his virtual…

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Professor Frank Bruni and Asher Hildebrand on Gerrymandering and the Political Landscape in North Carolina, The New York Times

Professor Frank Bruni argues the purple state of North Carolina won’t stop “extremism” in “Republicans Are Running Wild in My State.” With a recent switch…

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Professor Asher Hildebrand on “Effective Members of Congress” and U.S. Rep. Richard Hudson, CBS17

Professor Asher Hildebrand argues that the Center for Effective Lawmaking’s report on effective members of Congress fails to capture the whole picture: “Those are important things, but…

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Professor Asher Hildebrand and Deondra Rose on the impact of Roe vs Wade news on voting turnout, Duke Today & NC Policy Watch

Associate Professor’s Asher Hildebrand and Deondra Rose were interviewed by Duke Today and NC Policy Watch on the ramifications of the U.S. Supreme court’s potential…

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